Avoid Chiropractic Issues during COVID-19 Quarantine

Covid-19 has turned life upside down for everyone. Whether you are an essential worker, working from home, or you are laid off, day to day doesn’t look the same. Big life transitions have a significant impact on our physical and emotional well being. Here are some gentle reminders to make sure you are taking care of yourself during these uncertain times.

Healthy Habits

Staying in tune with your overall health is your first priority. Each item on this list impacts your immunity. During Covid-19 or any high risk flu season the first step is to evaluate your lifestyle and make sure you are prioritizing your well being.

  1. Eat nutritious food
  2. Get enough sleep
  3. Wash hands regularly
  4. Don’t over indulge in drinking/smoking
  5. Exercise


Not having your old 9-5 can be tricky, and even if you still have that, managing it during tumultuous times is not easy. Routine can significantly decrease one’s stress by allowing our brains to relax and stay in a present moment. Less stress means less physical tension in our body. Consider setting a schedule for the day and incorporating these activities.

  1. Wake up at the same time each day
  2. Start your day with gentle stretches
  3. Meal plan to ensure a healthy diet throughout the week
  4. Regularly put 30 minutes aside for exercise
  5. Create a meditation practice
  6. Get outside for some fresh air

Posture Matters

A silent cause of lower back and neck pain and pinched nerves comes from how we hold our bodies. There are so many things in life we can’t control, so pay attention to the things we can.

  1. Make sure you balance standing and sitting while working
  2. Avoid working from bed
  3. Call us to consult about posture and physical therapy

Starkwood Chiropractic is open during COVID-19 as an essential care facility. Our practice is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our clients and staff. If you are in need of care, please reach out to our team to schedule an appointment.

Chiropractic Care at Starkwood

We at Starkwood Chiropractic focus on the safe, gentle, and effective elimination of pain through our experience with therapeutic approaches. We help patients who have sustained sports, auto, and work-related injuries as well as relieving migraines, sciatica, back pain, and neck pain.
The services we offer include physical modalities, spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, exercise and stretching programs as well as nutrition and dietary counseling. We use Arthrostim, Activator, Thompson, Diversified, Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy in a whole-body, holistic approach that effectively brings about the relief of pain rather than masking it with pain relievers and addictive medications. We also use Heritage10 Intersegmental Traction Tables, Zenith HyLo Elevation Tables, and Therapeutic Ultrasound and Electric Muscle Stimulation.
We coordinate care with your medical doctor to develop the best treatment plan that takes your medical history into account to reduce your risk as much as possible. We accept insurance from commonly-used health insurance companies like Cigna, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and many others.

Contact Starkwood Chiropractic Today

Starkwood Chiropractic has been providing chiropractic care in the Portland, Oregon, community since 1983. If you have pain, stress, anxiety, migraines, or any other ailment we can provide relief for, give us a call to ask any questions you may have and see if chiropractic care is right for you. We can discuss with you our approach and what treatment we have to offer for the relief of your suffering. And, of course, if you have been in an auto accident or have been injured at work or during a sports activity, don’t hesitate to call. We have many years of experience treating auto, sports, and work-related injuries. If you are in pain, don’t wait. Call us without delay and see how Starkwood Chiropractic can help you take that first step toward a pain-free life. Call us today.


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