Bilingual Staff at Starkwood

Cultural sensitivity in healthcare can mean the difference between getting better or feeling worse. Healthcare is a response to those in need when they aren’t feeling their best. Culturally responsive healthcare is a means to care for the whole person, their ailment as well as who they are as a person. Chiropractic care offers a holistic or whole body and lifestyle approach to helping a person heal. How we respond to a person’s culture is a complementary part of the care we provide. 

Culture defines us as people. However, it is how we respond to culture that can truly validate people’s identities that differ from our own. Having a culturally sensitive healthcare environment allows for non-bias care and the assurance that no person receiving care feels unsafe or unwelcome at their visit. An important takeaway for us at Starkwood is welcoming all. To do this we try to adapt to each patient and their needs by getting to know you and your families. We never make assumptions about a patient’s background and beliefs. It is key to get to know each patient through individualized appointments. Ways we try to connect with our client community is by having a bilingual staff. We don’t just use English and Spanish to communicate. We try to pick up on a client’s body language, even if your body is out of alignment. Hopefully we can build a trusting relationship and you can tell us what you need from us to make you feel most comfortable during a visit. 

At Starkwood Chiropractic we know that representation matters. Seeing yourself represented by the healthcare workers at a doctor’s visit is important. This can mean the difference in feeling heard, seen and comfortable versus feeling like you don’t belong. In healthcare, there is a growing demand for people to be bilingual in all health fields. We have made this a priority since the beginning. Our care facility is located in a neighborhood of 33-50% non-english speakers. As a commitment to the community, over half of Starkwood’s staff is bilingual. This means that no matter who you are, what brings you in, our staff is committed to making you feel welcome in both English and Spanish.

Our Bilingual staff are Spanish/English Certified Chiropractic Assistants.

¿Necesitas ayuda para empezar? Llame hoy y diga “Hablo español, por favor”.



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