Chiropractic Care During COVID-19

Given the recent developments of COVID-19, we would like to extend our care and concern to our chiropractic community. Recommendations of social distancing and isolating have come from all levels of government and community members. Only crucial activities are suggested such as getting groceries, going to work if necessary, and seeking medical attention when absolutely needed.

First and foremost, your safety is our priority. We promise our feelings won’t be hurt if you cancel an appointment. However, we don’t want you to be in pain.

We are closely monitoring our office and staff to ensure compliance with safety protocol. We are also making sure our staff are not showing symptoms and are not at risk of exposure. In between each patient, we are taking extra steps to disinfect surfaces, as well as using protective paper and following strict handwashing policies.

Per CDC guidelines we are currently checking temperature prior to each patient appointment. (Staff is also being monitored before each daily shift) Anyone who has a fever is not permitted to receive treatment in the office and is directed to COVID-19 testing resources if they have recently experienced associated symptoms. We are temporarily suspending the use of our patient sign in sheet and having the staff log each patient in as they arrive. Also, hand sanitizer is available in office for patient use.

How does your chiropractic care fit into this? Are you wondering if you should keep an appointment? What can you do if you miss appointments?

Non-emergency health facilities like Starkwood are closely monitoring our office and staff to ensure compliance with heightened safety protocol. We are making sure our staff are not showing symptoms and are not at risk of exposure. In between each patient visit, we are taking extra steps to disinfect surfaces, as well as using protective paper and following strict handwashing policies.

During a global health crisis, it is everyone’s responsibility to practice social distancing, decrease unnecessary risk by self-monitoring possible self-exposure and risk levels.

Stay home. Only schedule an appointment if you are in serious pain. You are putting yourself and others at greater risk by going out in public. If you are showing symptoms or feel you are at risk for having contracted the COVID-19 disease (as listed below, please stay home)
If you do find yourself at an appointment, these are the ways to protect yourself and others before, during, and after the visit.

  • Make sure you wash your hands before you leave the house.
  • Bring sanitizer or disinfectant spray with you. Avoid public transit at all costs, but if you do sanitize afterward. In the car, we suggest using wipes on common surfaces and your phone.
  • Minimize the stops between your home and the chiropractic office. If possible, do not make extra stops. If you do, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before continuing travel.
  • When you arrive at your appointment, be sure to wash your hands. Also, refrain from picking up magazines, pens, or touching things in general. We will get the door for you.
  • You can wear a face mask if it helps quell any anxiety. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee we have extra masks available for patients.
  • When you leave, be sure to wash those hands.
  • When you get home, we suggest per usual, drink plenty of fluids and perhaps for safety sake get into some clean, comfy clothes and relax.

Cancel any appointments if you are sick. Stay home if you’re showing any of the symptoms listed above or if you have been in contact with anyone who has been sick or showing symptoms. You may reach out to our office to determine the appropriate waiting period.

Caring for yourself in stressful times is critical. In chiropractic health, it’s about maintaining the whole person. How you feel, what you eat, and how you move all impact the body. This is a critical time to make sure your emotional and physical health needs are maintained. You may or may not have a lot of downtime, but incorporating some of these activities into your routine may be the extra push to get you through this situation.

  • Check out your social media or YouTube for free yoga/exercise instruction.
  • Take a slow stroll. Locate isolated parks or low-grade hiking trails and take advantage of the solitude. Maybe even try to identify some of those trees you see.
  • Set a timer on your phone to remind you to stand. Reading, crafting, or even watching too much TV is all better while standing.
  • Maintain your mental health by calling family members/friends and checking in with your social networks.
  • Remember everyone in the world is experiencing the stress from this from various perspectives. Find what works for you to decompress.

If you are not sure if any of these physical activities are safe for you, please feel free to reach out to our office.
As we all know, we are in stressful times. Unknowns are all around us, but one thing we know for sure is how we treat our body today will have a lasting impact. Be kind to yourself. We look forward to caring for you soon.

COVID-19 cases have had the following symptoms, which may appear 2-14 days after exposure.

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

You may be at risk of COVID-19 if you or someone you have come in contact with:

  • Are caring for someone who is sick.
  • Recently traveled to areas with large numbers of outbreaks.
  • Are not feeling well yourself.

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