What to do after a chiropractic visit

What should you do after a chiropractic visit?

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Avoid hard work or stress on your body
  3. Stay active and avoid sitting for too long
  4. Be mindful of how your body feels
  5. Practice good posture
  6. Follow specific instructions from Chiropractor
  7. Schedule a follow-up visit
  8. Make healthy decisions moving forward
  9. Get plenty of good quality sleep

Chiropractic care is a two-person job. It isn’t just the work your chiropractor does during your treatment like adjustments and realignments. You have a role to play in your recovery as well. To get the most out of a chiropractic visit you should think about the before and after. Follow these tips to get the most out of your chiropractic visit.

1. Drink plenty of water

After chiropractic adjustment, your body has released stress, tension, and toxins. Staying hydrated during this time will help get unwanted debris out through your sweat and urine. It keeps everything in the body moving.

2. Get some downtime

Take the rest of the day off from stressful activity if possible
Fresh alignment, treat yourself. Take it as doctors orders to relax. It is important that after you get an alignment you aren’t just putting everything back to where it was. Use this as “me time” to let things settle into their new place. Remember that mental health has an impact on physical well-being. Do something that brings you joy.

3. Stay active and avoid sitting for long periods of time

Relaxing doesn’t mean being sedentary. We suggest a 3:1 ratio of sitting to standing. For every 45 minutes you sit you should be standing for approximately 15. You don’t have to run around the block, but consider standing while you work. Make tea, stand and enjoy a view out the window. Your chiropractor may advise against this especially if you’ve recently been injured. Always listen to your chiropractors’ special instructions.

4. Be mindful of how your body feels

It can be difficult to describe how your body felt once the sensation has passed. If you notice anything out of the ordinary be sure to journal it for the next visit. This will help the doctor better understand the treatment effects thus helping improve the care you receive.

5. Get light exercise

Put on the appropriate shoes and take a stroll. If you live in an area that isn’t great for walking, make sure you keep the drive short and find a paved path or even terrain to take in the sites. If you have a tendency to work out hard, consider taking it easy. Utilize a pool if you have access. Again this is usually correct but in special cases, you may want to avoid exercise following your chiropractor visit. If you’re unsure, ask your chiropractor if it’s okay for you to move around a bit.

6. Practice good posture

Be sure to consider your posture while sitting, standing, walking and even lying down. Proper posture helps reduce stress in ligaments and allows muscles to work efficiently. If you are unsure how your posture is, be sure to check in with your chiropractor.

7. Follow any specific recommendations from your chiropractor

Before you leave the doctors office, make sure you know what is expected of you. Often chiropractors will give handouts or physical therapy recommendations. These guidelines are critical for recovery. Make sure you take the time to add them to your schedule.

8. Schedule a follow-up visit

Depending on how far you are from the initial injury, your visits will vary in frequency. Be sure to schedule out your visits before you leave the office to ensure adequate, suggested timely care.

9. Make healthy decisions

Diet plays a significant role in our overall health. It impacts mood, energy levels and how our joints/muscles perform. Try eating more anti-inflammatory foods and less inflammatory foods.

10. Get plenty of good quality sleep

Lack of sleep can trigger inflammation, anxiety and negatively impact general well being. Make sure you set aside the time for a good rest post chiropractic visit. Be sure to talk to your doctor about sleeping tips that may be pertinent to your recovery.

It’s important that you play an active role in your recovery. While your doctor may provide alleviation from pain it is the patient’s responsibility to follow through with any recommended post-visit care. Take it easy on yourself and remember you deserve to feel great. Let us help you find a plan to get there.


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